I decided to use the name Chewychews( I know it sounds like dog treats!) Yonchewski is my Maiden name. Throughout high school I was called Chewy. I hated it. As times gone on I realize it's kinda cute. I have always wanted the name Yonchewski to stand for something positive (more later) The first thought that comes to mind is Polish right? well, no, I'm adopted.
My husband and I have been together going on 20yrs, and have four wonderful children. We didn't exactly go the traditional route throughout our relationship What? If I tell you everything now there will be nothing to blog!
I married a very French, Italian, Irish, German (WOW) and my childrens friends thinks he's in the mafia (could be the gold chain) We moved to a very small town and we stick out like Italians touring Switzerland.I am proud to say I am my kids mom, but that is as far as I can stand Dr. Laura sleasenger. I have worked outside the home while my husband learned to cook pot roast,I learned to use a socket wrench.